Brexit & Shipping
Brexit will affect how shipments are being received by customers in EU countries.
Orders delivering to UK addresses should not experience any additional charges.
Shipping to the European Union:
Import duties, charges, and processing fees may be apply on orders heading to EU member states. Orders below £135 are not subject to customs duty however, VAT may still be charged at the applicable VAT rate for the country of import.
Our free shipping rate is relatively low at £100 for orders to the EU.
We will do our best to provide our customers with information concerning what Brexit means for their shipping experience and will aim to lower the shipping rates in the future in order to facilitate the easing of any burdens and complications.
More information:
When orders are exported out from the UK, HM Revenue & Customs will assess any inbound duties and taxes that will be paid by the customer.
Factors that may affect the payable fee include: Country of export, the sort of goods (classification), the value of the good sand the weight of the order.
In order to avoid delays typically the courier will pay any duties and taxes that are due to HMRC on your behalf and then bill you for the charge by notifying you by E-mail, post or another method.
Some couriers, such as DHL, may apply a disbursement charge for this service.
Once the duties and taxes have their payments fulfilled, the products will be released for delivery. If you decline to pay the duties and taxes, your shipment will be returned to Gainergang.
Useful Links:
- 2021 VAT Rates in EU
- Customs Duty and VAT -
- DHL Courier FAQ
- DPD Courier FAQ
- Royal Mail Courier FAQ